How attitude can help in football

Whether playing competitively or for fun, the physical nature of Football can be relentless and tough.

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Enduring 90 minutes of rigorous sprinting and tackling in the ambitious desire to win means that preparation is key in Football as is the training that is needed not only for the skills required but also for overall fitness and stamina.

Positive mental attitude

Success requires belief, with a positive mental outlook helping you to visualize this success.

Sport and fitness are renowned for helping not only our physical wellbeing but also our mental health. Participating in physical activity can have a positive influence on mental wellbeing and mental illnesses.

Football offers a sense of camaraderie and community and can be great fun to play for men, women and children alike. It teaches confidence, discipline, perseverance, respect, and leadership, with these skills transferable to our careers and everyday lives. It is always interesting to see how confident and calm the players are as they walk out onto the pitch in their Nike Football Kits from ready to warm up before a match.

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Train your mind and body

The mental aspect of Football is extremely important and is often not given enough credit. You must be able to perform under pressure, which requires us to train our minds in addition to training our bodies.

Learning how to manage anxiety and stress, switching negative thinking into positive thinking and setting achievable goals helps to increase confidence and improve performance.

Athletes can seek strategies and tools to support them in preparation for injuries, which can be transferred to many aspects of life. Brain training can become a useful part of a daily routine.

Importance of the right attitude

Performing takes its toll. Football is different from many sports, as it requires speed and concentration for the entire 90-minute game. Preparation physically and mentally is essential, as you often do not have control over what happens around you on the field. The key is to focus on what you can control.

For most Football athletes, their mindset before playing is of vital importance. An athlete will need to learn how to stay in ‘the zone’ to continue their play and reduce the risk of injury. Establishing a pre-performance routine and learning what energy level is needed before playing is vital.

All levels of players, from amateur to professional, can improve their performance by mental skills training, as the mind plays a vital role.